Amusing Poetical Anecdotes for Brief Byronic Theatricals
by Jed Pumblechook
To The
Countess Of Blessington
Lord Byron
Teresa Guiccioli
Henry Fox
Earl of Blessington
Countess of Blessington
Count D'Orsay
1823, Genoa - there is a deluge, earthquakes
B(to T): My, Teresa - what a storm!! - look! - are there (squints) perukes and gingerbread in the trees? the preacher will certes be lynched for falsifying the forecast (sighs) dio! - what think you of removing to Nice ? I am exhausted with the constant intrusions from autograph and hair hunters - I've already proffered an invitation to the Goose - and her drone of a husband
T: She is tired of London and the six miles of bottom?
B: I think not (slumps into chair) - her great obstacle is that, as spouses, my sister and her husband are so admirably yoked - she so necessary as a housekeeper - and a letter writer - and a place-hunter to that very helpless gentleman - her Cousin, I may add - but they are dashed short on Capital
T(gazes in wonder): It is most thoughtful of you mio Byron - your heart is truly noble and great - but you would have to speak Français
B: French - pfft! I shall let you - my love - and Goose - do the talking for me (shrugs) - but I think she will not - there is no racetrack nearby in which her disgraceful marito can lose my money - and return - shamelessly - requesting yet more
T: Dio mio, my poor homesick Byron! (brushes his hair) - you can keep going with the abominable Don - if such would cheer you
B(gives T the evil eye): The strain would expire on my tongue - and the theme is too soft for my shell (scowls)
Fletcher enters
F: The Bold James Wedderburn Webster to see you, my Lord
T flees - her abundant curls romantically falling about her shoulders
B(shudders): Webster?! Send him to the devil! (grinds teeth) what else can catastrophize my life right now! (paces) - I'm throwing over that cowardly Tory tradesman Murray - the deluge has ceased to amuse me - and I have an unsightly cold sore (shakes out his slightly greying curls) well, be dashed to it - onwards Fletcher - show him in - well? - hurry!
W comes crashing in
W: Byron - I owe you a thousand guineas! I also have a favour to ask
B: It is now a ten-year-old bond, Webster - with interest - have you come to settle? Damned if that money wouldn't have saved my marriage!
W: In sooth, I did let you ogle and pass notes to my wife - I was well aware of her infatuation, although she has since transferred her affections to your motley, Scrope Davies (proudly) and had a flirtation with the Duke of Wellington, d'you know?
B(angry): That butcher! - waging war to fatten his own pocket! Only the devil's luck could have taken the spotlight away from me
W: To the point - Lady Frances wants to leave me - again - would you mind awfully counselling her against it?
B: You ask too much - but I shall try. Leave the cash with Fletcher (B shows W the door)
Fletcher announces Henry Fox, son of Lord Holland
B: Fox! Oh how I have always liked that boy
Noisy ruckus on the marble staircase - Fletcher's voice is raised
EofB: Byron! Sorry to knuckle my way in - your man seems not to know me - insufferable Northerner! Please let me introduce my smashing - and expensive - wife
LyB (curtsies): My LORD - sure, how very delighted I am to meet you here in Italy where I am so totally appreciated and admired by the highly literary Italian Ton - without your English society ladies attempting to exclude me - me! - a Lady - with my own crown! (pokes about, inspecting stamps on the china) Do you own this small house - is there room for a pony? What is that boil on your face? You appear to be crying? My naked shoulders have that effect on men - where is your mistress?
Henry Fox walks slowly in
B: Henry Fox! how you have grown! It is a sincere pleasure and honour to see you (the two men shake hands, with feeling) Welcome my old friend - I have so many unwanted visitors - they exhaust me quite
H: Byron - how handsome you still are - no wonder every woman you meet falls in love with you
LyB: Hello (offers hand) I am Lady Blessington - wife of the Earl here - have we met? I am a doyenne of sorts - (winks and whispers) - I can tell you now, I have not fallen in love with Lord Byron - he is somewhat short - I suspect he, au contraire, will find me both fascinating and inspiring
B: Fletcher!!! Brandy!!! - what will you have Fox? - you'll have Brandy of course - what for the Blessingtons? - yes, you'll have Brandy too (fine nostrils flare) - I suspect
LyB: Our mutual aristocrat - you can't know him, he's French - the Count D'Orsay, un Cupidon déchaîné they call him in elite circles - will meet us here in Genoa presently - Byron! (wags finger) you must not use crudities of expression around that Exquisite Frenchman
Fletcher drops tray, shattering precious Venetian brandy glasses
​The Blessingtons join Byron on his daily ride around Genoa
EofB: Dashed bad business about the Dublin mortgages eh what?! To compensate, Byron, I shall buy that two-master of yours with the politically controversial name - does she sail well?
B: I've not had the heart to sail her - I am ashes where once I was fire, what I loved I now merely admire - and my heart is as grey as my head
LyB: I noticed - it's also quite thin. To the vessel - we can reach a bargain and rename her. Have you met my equally stunning sister Miss Power? - she rarely leaves the carriage - Blessington, it would be quite marvellous for us to locate here - we could buy the Villa Paradiso - and our names, Byron, would be entwined for eternity - I will have our coronets painted on my new Royal Doulton coronation ware
A loud crash emanates from Byron's palazzo
EofB: Why - that window has been actually quite ripped off its frame!
B: Yes, my amica is prone to ad hoc house repairs
EofB: Damned thrilling - a jealous woman - what? Myself - I am incapable of jealousy
LyB: You will meet Alfred tonight, Byron - he is also a mildly talented sketch artist and an aristocrat of the first order - like us - would you like to buy my horse Mameluke? - we could trade you the boat -yes? (spits on hand) - deal?
Another loud crash emanates from Byron's palazzo
B: You will excuse me - I have many prior engagements (trots, yea, gallops toward his villa)
LyB: Begor! What an unhappy man! His mistress cannot be inspiring enough - perhaps I can help Blessington?
EofB: Marvellous Idea! You will be immortalised and literary men years hence will recognise you as a major player in his Lordship's life
LyB: Shift will you! We must dress for dinner - Alfred will be arriving from his jewellers
Evening - B is in his banyan - knackered by the strain of enforced sociability
F: There is a handsome, beautifully tailored Frenchman without a moustache to see you, my Lord
B: All the saints preserve me from these interminable madmen! Send him away Fletcher!! (door opens)
D'O: Bon soir Byron! - forgive please the intrusion - I heard you were unwell and have bought you these fresh violets - as I know by careful perusal of your minor poems that they are favourites of yours
B(taken aback): Dio - but they are! - please do come in - D'Orsay, I believe? how very Ancien Regime of you - Fletcher?! - D'Orsay, you must stay for supper - I will not dress for I am sure you approve of my silk charmeuse
Fletcher appears with Champagne, lobster and lemon granita
D'O: Exquisite! Piquante! I have been much in high London society - you should satirise it - it is quite, quite ridiculous
B: Why, I have just been occupied in that very...
EofB: Hallo the House!!
LyB: Bon soir all - Byron, I see you already requested Alfred's presence - can you speak French well enough? I am much like a mother to the dear boy - soon, in fact, I will be a mother-in-law to him (all except B laugh)
B: How so?
Eof B: My child - daughter - is engaged to Alfred - although unmet they are to be married shortly - duns Byron - you understand Byron - duns!! I'm a long way from the glory of gems and snuff-boxes - and uniforms what? (LyB is throwing daggers at EofB) - oh yes, yes my dear - Byron, would you like to be inspired by my wife? Lawrence would be nothing without her you know
B: You have ask’d for a verse?! - the request in a rhymer ’twould be strange to deny, but my Hippocrene was but my breast, and my feelings - its fountain - are dry
LyB: My beauty does not fail even in daylight - unlike your mistress, and other Continentals
B: Would I dare to say otherwise Milady? - but let the young and the brilliant aspire to sing what I gaze on in vain (eyes lobster claws) - for sorrow has torn from my lyre the string which was worthy the strain
LyB: Do you suffer from Gout? Is that scurvy (points to his lip)? Is your thinning hair making you triste?
B: You must excuse me - I have had three days of dinners during the last seven days – they have made me so headachy and sulky that it will take me a whole Lent to subside back into wit and merriment
LyB(with pity): Sweet lord above!! My shoulders, and challenging brilliance, are obviously tormenting you - come, Blessington - we shall depart (gathers geegaws B has left lying about the place) - Byron, you can post my paean - we are all off to London to get married - are you crying? Blessington - I can torture him no longer - anon mio Byron!
Fletcher attempts to announce yet another visitor..
B: Fletcher - my life is not dated by years, these are moments which act as plough - and there is not a furrow appears but is deep in my soul as my brow (stirs his melted granita)
F: My Lord - you are not at home (shakes head) I understand, these intrusions you deplore - I shall leave your bear-skin and teeth, and paws and claws by the door
B is already asleep - and dreams of escaping to a war zone